Thursday, September 12, 2013

Virtual Book Tour Updates

It's amazing how quickly a plan can come together. I just started working on my Little Shepherd virtual book tour this week and I already have more than 20 stops. As London Tipton would say, "Yay me!"

I'm also beginning to put together a tour for A Christmas Kindness. This is my second book, which came out last December under my pen name, C.C. Gevry. After much consideration, I'm going to have it reprinted under my real name. Originally, I wanted to keep my secular projects separate from my faith-based ones, but I decided all my message-driven fiction should be together. It's a costly mistake, but I'm glad it will get corrected.

If you would like to host either book, contact me via email at ccmal(at)charter(dot)net.

Thanks for your support.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Blogging at Christian Children's Authors

You can catch my review of The Wolf of Tebron, the first book in The Gates of Heaven series by C.S. Larkin today at I also have the sequel here, Map Across Time. Hoping to get some free time to read it soon.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Little Shepherd Virtual Book Tour 2013

Join me as I travel the blogosphere from November 4 - 29 on my third book tour with Pump Up Your Book.

Obed is in the hills outside Bethlehem on the night of Christ’s birth. Can he trust the miracle of Christmas to keep his flock safe while he visits the newborn King?

If you are interested in hosting(book review, interview, spotlight or guest post) please contact me at ccmal(at)charter(dot)net. Book is available in PDF or electronic format. Please specify preferred format when querying.