Sunday, August 25, 2013

Another Year of VBS Over

It's hard to believe, but another year of vacation Bible school is over. This year's theme was "My Body Is A Temple of the Holy Spirit." We talked about being fearfully and wonderfully made, taking care of our body and minds to keep our temples clean, the Bible as our guide, and being a new creation in Christ.

As an activity, we offered cooking classes for the kids. Each night they made their own supper and then created ice cream sundaes for dessert. Tacos, macaroni and cheese, omelets, and pizza were on the menu. We put together a terrarium, played games, and worked through real-life scenarios the kids might face in their daily lives. The final night, members of our congregation joined us in a fellowship supper to conclude VBS.

Now, we're on to preparing for our annual Country Christmas Bazaar and Tag Sale. Things are never dull around Living Gate Community Church.

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