Thursday, May 15, 2014

Writing World Update

Here is a long overdue writing world update. As is usual, I set goals at the end of last year to keep me focused through 2014. I am a big believer in goal setting and breaking larger goals down into more manageable chunks. As I look back on what I've accomplished through the first four and a half months, I am proud of the progress I've made, but switching careers has meant not as much writing time. Here's where I stand as of right now with my goals.

Reduce blogging/reviewing duties.

I'm snickering as I type this. Blogging and reviewing is probably the largest drain of my writing time, and yet, I can't stop doing it. I love blogging. I actually created a new blog this year. Last one, I've promised myself. Though I started out focused on working my way through the mountain of books I've amassed over the past three years, I've begun taking on new titles to review for virtual book tours. Sigh. I really need to get this under control. Thankfully, summer is on the way and I already know that focusing on real estate won't allow as much blogging time anyway.

Complete the first draft of my middle grade historical Amelia's Mission by February 28th.

Definitely not, but a ton of progress has been made on this project. It had been a while since I worked on this one, but I truly love the story and was determined to get back to it. I edited the entire manuscript before picking it up again. It's much tighter and focused than it was before. Thanks to my online critique group, I've been able to see where else things might be improved once I complete the first draft. In addition, I joined a new writers group in town. I got a chance to read the first chapter of this project last week and they loved it. Another reason to keep plugging away.

Right now, I have one book I'm skimming for research and then I will start writing again. The book is now overdue at the library, so I need to finish that this week. There are currently eleven completed chapters and I am partway through the next one.

Research one new publisher/agent a month.

Maybe not every month, but I have been researching them more often. Actually, I just looked into another publisher this week.

Write one short story for submission each quarter.

With so much attention on Amelia's Mission, this has fallen by the wayside. I knew it was an ambitious goal when I posted it. I think it's time for a change. My new goal is to write two short stories this year. I think that's much more realistic.

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