Tuesday, January 11, 2011

World of Ink Tour - Day 8

Well, today is definitely a great day. Little Shepherd received two amazing reviews.

I started out the morning at One Zillion Books, where Jason and his kids gave the book a double thumbs up and a 9 out of 10 ranking. You can read this review at http://www.onezillionbooks.com/2011/01/little-shepherd.html.

You have a chance to win a free copy of Little Shepherd from One Zillion Books, so make sure you fill out the entry form before January 25th.

Then I returned to the SFC Blog: Families Matter, where Irene said the book would be a, "...wonderful addition to every family's library." You can read her full review at http://familiesmatter2us.blogspot.com/2011/01/book-review-little-shepherd.html

I also happened to run into a woman at the school library where we both volunteer. She had purchased two copies of Little Shepherd right after Christmas for her children. She told me they both loved them. Then her son popped into the library to renew a book and I was introduced to him. He thought it was cool to meet the author of a book, so I had my five seconds of fame.

Thanks to everyone for their support. It is greatly appreciated.

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